Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stay tuned for more Pros!?

If Ford was the first to make an automobile...than why is it not the best in the world...better than mercedes-benz???

And why is Audi/Volkswagon and Hyundai/kia the only two auto makers that doesn't have any plants in the usa...or models made here. (Not including ultra luxury models) only everyday cars!?!Stay tuned for more Pros!?
There were at least 100 cars before Ford came out.

Henry Ford made the first mass produced car and the first assembly line.

The first car was invented 200 years before Ford. It was invented by a French man named Joseph Cugnot and it was powered by a Steam engine. Jay Leno owns most steam powered cars.

The first gas powered car was invented over 50 years before Ford. It was invented by Karl Benz(Mercedes-Benz). He invented the gas engine.

The Ford Model T used a German made engine since Henry Ford did not know much about making engines.

It is cheaper for VW/Audi and Hyundai/Kia to build their cars elsewhere. The plants are in Mexico where labor is cheap. That is why Hyundai/Kia's are very cheap. They are cheaper to make than other cars.Stay tuned for more Pros!?
Ford might have been first to mass produce, but Mercedes will always be better because the germans like to perfect things and make it better. As for the Audi/VW Hyundai Kia thing they are just sticking to there roots. Might be cheaper to make cars in Korea or more qualified workers in Germany. I'm sure they have their reasons.
  • flyff
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